Saturday, August 21, 2010

My new favorite side dish.

A friend told me about this recipe from the Pioneer Woman. And I'm addicted!

Plus, I've found a farmer's market near our house where I can buy the small red potatoes for $0.75/lb! Mmmm. I always use at LEAST 2lbs of potatoes for my family of 2.5 people :-)

Wash your red potatoes.
Boil them until they are tender.
Liberally olive oil a cookie sheet. Put the potatoes down, a few inches apart, and smash. (PW suggests a potato masher. I don't have one *birthday list!* but I've found a metal mallet works best for me. The glass just smashed them too much, with no texture).

Put olive oil, kosher salt, fresh cracked pepper and your choice of herb on top. My kiddo loves to help with the "sprinkling" part!

There's a few steps in between, but I wanted to showcase my fresh-from-the-garden Rosemary! Mmm.
Put them into the oven on 450 degrees for 20-25 min (I usually put mine in for 30 because I like extra crispy potatoes!)

This is always the last step I can get a picture - when they come out of the oven, it's all I can do not to gobble them up straight off of the cookie sheet!